This is where I sleep when I stay at mum and dad's house. My sisters live close by and this house, our house, is where we come and go and gather and part as we please. Kids run around and jump in and out of the pool and I sneak my sister out for a coffee and a spot of shopping (leaving nanny with the little ones). I feel like this is where I grew up, this is where I'm from, when in actual fact, we didn't grow up in this suburb near the beach but in a suburb about half an hour away. Home really is where the heart is or is the heart where the home is?
This bedroom is gorgeous! The photos look like they come straight out of a magazine...
I think that one's heart is where the home is if one has been lucky enough to grow up in a loving home like me =) Looks like you have, too!
I'm in on the Bright Week, I've sent you an email!
Bedroom is very clean and white, I would add some white candles - perfection :)
this looks like a dream haven! truly bliss. if only i could bring up the time and guts to revamp my messy room :D
Is your whole family into the white thing? I find it interesting to see your photo's, since I am very much a colour person (I don't own a white garment at all, or white sheets). Your blog must open up a new part of my brain, I reckon. ;-)
it looks like such a calming a restful room...
Looks so peaceful!
Everything is white and neat and its almost like no one sleeps there. I think that it is awesome and I wish that my room looked like that.
wow! what a gorgeous space. i really like all the variations of white. absolutely stunning.
love this room, it looks so graceful
What a beautiful place. So much whiteness! I love it.
OMG! i love the bed room soooo much!
it looks really peaceful
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