Wow! Thank you for letting me know I appeared on
Blogs of Note. I was away in beautiful Noosa this weekend and when I noticed the flurry of comments and congratulations upon my return I was dizzy with surprise and delight. Here is a sprinkling of flowers to thank you for visiting. x
Further congratulations from those of us who also did not know! : )
awwwww they are beautiful :)
Congratulations! Your site is so very great:)
Wow! your pics are really beautiful and clean lol, maybe you could give me some advice about my blog,
Its almost cherry blossom season here so i expect to see some photos of that on your site!!!
Congratulations! You do have a wonderful site!
Wow, white roses are really beautiful! Congrats on your blog being on Blogs of Note!
Congratulations! A beautiful site. Wish you all the best.
Your site is very clean and minimalist - very worth of a Blogs of Note feature!
I like the colors at your site. They are so appealing and peaceful
Beautiful colors!
Wow, those roses looks really great. Well, actually all of the pictures you post here are beautiful. :D
Oh, these photos are so pretty!! I have posted flower photos too! Yours are much soft and elegant...ox
Beautiful photos!
Your work is very elegant. keep it up. You're really cool.
wow! your work is superb. I can't imagine how you make these pics.
I just found you and love everything here, keep it up!
I love the simplicity and beauty. Congrats BTW.
Jack just dropping by.
Do you take all of your own photographs? There are some really lovely pictures on your blog, these ones especially!
congrats on being a blog of note
This is wonderful!
Também quero ser Blog Of Notes... :(
Congratulations dear! Very exciting for you! I know the feeling, checked my email this morning and thought someone had signed me up for some dodgey porn site based on the amount of new comments and new Twitter followers. But no, the Blog of Note kids found me too (through you no doubt), so yay us! :D
really nice
Very nice roses.
What a lovely way to say thak you.
Great blog.
great roses
Congrats on being a Blog of Note! Just came by to visit.
Yes, further congratulations!
Also... beautiful site! I love that you love -white- (as do I). It's so peaceful, and yet very dynamic. =)
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