Thursday, 2 April 2009

Bright Food : Dinner Party Prep

You may (or may not) have noticed I've done a little bit of housekeeping around here. I've shuffled my reader list a little and you can now subscribe by e-mail...notice anything else? Oh, and I've been busy doing some DIY to brighten up my kitchen, I'll post some pics of this as soon as I can scrub the primer from my hands.
Materials: brown paper shopping bag from Fat, pink strawberry sherbet, fresh asparagus, blue tissue paper, fluoro pink inside of Ginger & Smart candle box, Louis Vuitton window in Sydney, dutch carrots, blue plastic bag from a bakery in Tokyo.


chelsea said...

WOW! These photos are incredibly inspiring.

Jen said...

love the energy!

Wondering Helen said...

These are dynamic. Love the orange carrots with that bright blue bag. Hadn't thought of that color combination.

poli said...

yummy! and NOT fat ;)uhm... maybe fat in this incredible colours ;)

Anonymous said...

thanks for the comment .... your blog is so bright and colorful, really cheers me up!

Beth said...

Love the turq + orange! This color combo rocks.

Meg Kashty said...

Very cool pictures
I love how vibrant the colors are = they automatically capture your attention.
check out my blog, if you get a chance

RLMEnglish said...

Makes me hungry and want to dance around all at once! I think I will do bright food for tomorrow as well! I'll go do some research right now!

gingerbee said...

It's yummy, and inspiring, and definitely packs a punch! :)

Joanna Lee said...

Hands down...this is bright! Beautiful!

डॉ. मनीष कुमार मिश्रा said...


Anita Dawoodi said...

Hi Nicola,

Fantastic Colors - love the combinations. I just wrote about your wonderful blog and this great post on my blog. Lots of hellos from Graz, Austria! Anita

devi said...

they are really wonderful pics dear friend... i need to say hats off to your energy levels

RLMEnglish said...

You should consider putting a small link to Emily at Essential E for what I would definitely call an "honorary Bright Week" post. I may do the same.
: )

RLMEnglish said...

of course i could leave you the link
there, all better : )

breezy said...

the colours.
so amazing.

Julia said...

I love these pictures! I'm trying to integrate brighter colours around me. This is inspirational!