Loved these hydrangea-beachside-retro caravan-seagull laden images by Hugh Stewart (which appeared in Marie Claire) almost as much as I loved these ones. Amazing how the mood is so light yet the day is so moody. I still love how he puts 'real' people in them too. These pics hold such a sense of freedom. Thank God it's Friday!
Oh I loved that shoot! (big fan of Marie Claire, lol).
good call! i'm trying to think what adds that lovely moody element? perhaps the ominous clouds? either way, they're fabulous.
Really nice find, looks very..french?
I bought this issue specifically for this spread! It is shot just north of the small coastal township of Kaikoura, South Island NZ. We would drive past "Nin's Bin" every time we went on holiday. GORGEOUS exposed wild coastline and amazing editorial!
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