I am currently obsessed with little collections of unrelated things. These are from o-check, a Korean company and possibly the best stationary company I've come across. Their notebooks have little pockets throughout and unique images and sketches on every page. I was in Paper2 for hours deciding which notebook to get and I decided on this one...it was the Paris envelope that was the clincher. Their whole range is incredible.

OOh I love O-Check too! I have way too much stationery, heheh.
This is my first visit to your blog (came here via Decor8). How happy am I to see someone else who is in love with O-Check stationery too - I just bought the same travel diary.
Oh my gosh, I'm a notebook junkie! Thanks for the link, I'm so excited to check it out! xoxo
Ooh paper! Thanks for posting, I'm going to check this site out, looks pretty. I've noticed that there are a lot of wonderful stationers from Korea.
Aww such a pleasure to have stumbled across your blog! I <3 that notebook :) I'll be following you!!
lovely designs! Your blog is beautiful!
what an interesting blog! love the pure simplicity and natural :)
The notebooks are so pretty! I absolutely love the envelopes inside. In fact, maybe that's what I need right now - mine is on the verge of losing some pages...
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