The top knot. It was one of the few ways we could rebel and get away with it in schoool. How? We had relatively neat hair compared to the birds nest piled on top of our heads. I've had long hair for years now and although most people feel this way when their hair is out and freeflowing, I find there's nothing as cleansing or freeing as piling it as high up on my head as I can and twist it upon itself without risk of a strand falling near my face or in my eyes.
I always topknot when I'm concentrating. It makes me feel very officious. My cousins hate it. They're always say, "You'll ruin the ends of your hair!" Doesn't matter!
hmm...might have to try this...it looks really cute!
I suppose that I would never be able to do this -- I've always had short hair :-/
My hair is almost TOO long to pull way up on the top of my head. The highest I can get it is the crown. Higher than that, even though it is thin, it weighs too much to stay up. But I used to be totally jealous of the girls who could pull theirs the highest. : )
Oh my gosh - this is Buntastic! I wear my hair piled high ALL THE TIME and I swear, it is the most productive hair ever! The bigger the better I always say!
Such and fun and quick way to run out the door feeling put together.
And thanks for the link :)
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