Sunday 14 June 2009

Basil Eater

Herbs from my garden and a hungry little basil eater. Can you spot the tiny dots on his face and the hairs on his body?


HeyMiemie said...

Incredible photography!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nicola,

Lovely photos, (again!) but these caterpillars are nasty!! We had them a few months ago - they completely inhaled our basil and parsley. I used 'Yates Bug Gun' on them and they finally stopped having trillions of babies!

Amanda - Weekend Host said...

These photo are amazing. Did it take lots of patience to get such a perfect shot of the 'hungry little basil eater'?

Anonymous said...

aw what a hungry little thing! such lovely photos, the type that allow us to smell the basil

Kitti said...

hi Nicola :) greets from Ireland ..

Lovely pics :) ah the dilema of the catterpillar ^^ who must devour our plants , and then the beautiful butterly that we get in return ... i wonder if basil makes the butterflies wing more colourful as it does our pasta dishes ? ^^ he he :)Karen

N I C O L A said...

Briar my garden guru - thanks so much for the tip!! And you were spot on with the Stromanthe - I found this link thanks to your lead:

Sarah said...

When I first opened the post, I could almost smell the herbs.

Thank you, those are beautiful images for a Sunday morning.

RLMEnglish said...

I keep my lemon basil inside, it is just a tiny little seedling basically still. As lovely as the pretty caterpillar is, I wouldn't want him to eat my tiny plant. He could probably eat it in under an hour alone!

at swim-two-birds said...

he's cute and the photo's are beautiful.