Monday 6 July 2009

Un Coeur en Provence

Oh to live in Provence, to garden and bake and wear clothes with integrity. Hand dyed gentle coloured linen and cottons, a lesson in layers, real buttons, aprons, fabric roses. Welcome to the life of Laeriss. She shares her love of antiques, decorations and creations on her French and English blog.


Unknown said...

This is perhaps my dream way of life. Living off the earth and taking the time to live with art in all aspects.

Jane Flanagan said...

Wow - this conjures such a gorgeous life!

Anonymous said...

oh my...these dresses are amazing!

loupita said...

Oh wow ... so romantic. This is exactly how I imagine 'the charmed life'.

mimi charmante said...

I adore her and love visiting her blog, if only to pretend that I can relate...
Thanks for sharing her - she is such a treasure!

Philippe Rissetto said...

I thank you very much for your post so sweet and your link toward Un Cœur en Provence, I'm very flattered.
So I linked your blog here : "Mes lectrices"
Best wishes.

Angela Furlong said...

Oh yes, to live in Provence indeed! Today of all days, I wish I was there with not a care in the world except vaguely wondering how much lavender to pick - thank you, these images were just what I needed xx