Dumbo Feather is such an enriching and substantial read. I like to read it slowly and thoroughly, so I packed it to take overseas, knowing it would be worth its weight in keeping me engrossed during plane and train trips. Now that I've engulfed every word, I can add it to my shelf with the rest of them, but something stuck that I just can't seem to file away. It was quoted by all round amazing A&E doctor, GP Trainer, salsa teacher and Tasmanian, Dr Nik Magnus, who has lived and practiced medicine from Antarctica to Kenya, the Solomon Islands and New Zealand and is now home in humble Hobart, back in A&E and helping to run the family heirloom apple growing business.
'My father has a saying that I remember often which is,
"There's two ways to be rich. One is to earn more, the other is to need less."'
So I didn't buy much when I was away because this message was hanging between myself and my credit card (and I knew it was right). We will never earn 'enough', because enough is never enough. How is this relevant? I got to thinking that rather than buying more stuff and then having to buy storage to house it, I'd buy some brackets, reinforce my flailing bookshelf and 'make do and mend'. So that's what I did and that's how it will (hopefully) remain (until the day it comes crashing down upon me).
AUGH! awesome. so awesome. i haven't been by in a while to say hello, and this was so perfectly timed, you have no idea.
i'm going to have to link this post in my post tomorrow. AUGH!
thanks for sharing. xx
I love that quote from your dad! It is so true, and something I plan on passing on to others!
Now to just apply it to my life so I don't always think about that next piece of furniture I want to save for.
These tea cups are lovely. Inspired to go make myself a cup.
Agreed!! xx
Wise words, believe it or not it is kind've something I have tried to do, but its more like having a throw out, with a view to getting more stuff. Ooops.
This is such a good lesson. I strongly strongly agree. I had been thinking along these lines more recently (what with doing loads of car boot sales) and now that someone has so perfectly summerised for me, it all comes wonderfully into place. Thanks so much for this. I'll carry it with me. xxx
i just found your blog and im really enjoying it. lovely post, lovely quote. xx
I love your Royal Albert gold rose tea cup! I am going through a Royal Albert thing at the moment. Such a beautiful blog btw : )
What a great quote!
And I love all these images! They are all so gorgeous and dainty!
What a great quote! Love your beautiful photos.
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