Farewell flowers. Accompanied with touching messages in a typically over-sized au revoir card. I've always found it fascinating how a workplace brings people into your life whom you would otherwise never meet, nor make an effort to get to know. Amongst the cubicles are people from such disparate walks of life converging only to work, or so we think, only to find it also serves as fertile breeding ground for amazing friendships.
So glad I stumbled on your lovely lovely blog today, it's always nice to find other blogger out and about on the net!
I must tell you that I like like like your nice blog!
Agneta & Sweden
Hi, love your blog. you are very lucky to have made such lovely friends. I have always worked for myself and have often wondered about the land of cubicles, cheers Katherine
Because our professional life takes up so much time, mental effort and energy, I've always thought it important to get to know the folks you work with. As a result, I've made great friends through the years. Lovely post!
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