I have been on a fruitless mission searching for the house with the lace exterior which I am sure was on Desire to Inspire which I can
not find for the life of me. Does anyone
remember it? There was a person walking past the house, it was clad in white 'metal lace' and there was an image of it in the daylight and also at night with the light shining through the pinholes. I think it was in Melbourne and the images were originally from realestate.com.au...
if anyone can find a link...
pleeeease email it to me (and I'll send you a sweet treat - so include your address). If I was to find these pics I'd be as happy as I would be if I lived in a white cube house with a man making me coffee every morning.
yes this is love. How could one ever be in a bad mood living here...
I never saw the house you mentioned, but after this post it intrigued me. I did some checking around. This probably isn't it, but try these links for your lace house.
Is this it?
As soon as I read your post, I thought to myself, I know exactly the house she is talking about. I was sure I had it flagged but nooooo I thought really really hard playing with my search strings till I finally pulled it up.
I would love to explore that house in real life.
yowser, that image of the guy making coffee - who needs houses!
Sorry, i think i took my (7.00-after-a-crazy-day-at-work) medicine too fast :)
Is it Melbourne's Perforated House by Kavellaris Urban Design?
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