Friday 11 June 2010

The Art of the Bath

Bathing...I forgot how beautiful it can be, especially under a French chandelier where the soap comes wrapped in a slip of a page from a vintage book.


Beach House Living said...

Your so right! I'm on the hunt for a petite chandelier for the bathroom.

C. Anne said...

How charming, I like that it has faint apothecary touches. Very nice.

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

ahhh yes, so beautiful... sigh

Pixie said...

Oh to have a bath like that. Instead I have a "Barbie tub" as my family calls it, it's barely big enough to sit in with my legs stretched out...and I'm SHORT! lol

Elk said...

Definitely need to add a touch of glamour to the bathroom, I pine for polished wood floors and claw footed bath tubs with a view out to the gardens or something else decadent and inspiring... too many tedious white tiles everywhere I think

prashant said...

I'm on the hunt for a petite chandelier for the bathroom.
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