We left our lovely agent to deal with the masses and left to have a coffee. We could have crowd surfed out the front entrance. In the pouring rain were people keen to live in my tiny place (or thinking they were before they saw it). The line up was 5m wide and 5 people deep. The agent described it as a stampede! I told Mr. that everyone in Sydney wants to live in
Surry Hills but him! It felt creepy knowing strangers would be traipsing through my house, making themselves comfy on my lounge, opening the wardrobe,
criticising and commenting...at
least the interest was strong and everything was as we left it when we got back, less a few skewed frames on the walls. What an eye opener.
'tis a weird feeling alright but part of the selling game.
Best of luck...
Wow, have not been through anything like that before. Good luck with it all! Nicolex
Yes it is a very invasive process, isn't it? Your place looks stunning, though! Best of luck with selling it for a fortune!
I get weirded out just having a rental inspection, i can't imagine a stampede!
I hope some good news comes from your open day, and all the best with your upcoming move :) xx
I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts...Really interesting..Thanks
A stunning place!!! LOVE all the details in there!
At least the interest was strong and everything was as they left it when they got back.
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