Sunday 14 August 2011


Luurving kikki K - as always.


Anonymous said...

The one thing that, no matter what I try, never seems to be organized is my desk. I am beyond impressed with these spaces, why do I always have pens and papers floating around? They're beautiful, maybe this year mine will last, or at least until exams

Nat @ dear little house said...

They have some great stuff, hey? I love their notebooks in particular.

Alma said...

I should be able to get a room in my new place that looks as clean and minimalistic as the pictures you have in this post.

So inspirational!

Hope you're having a good weekend.

sell your cell phone for cash said...

It seems really very organized..and totally agree that organized room looks more beautiful than the decorated one.

Pier 59 Studios said...

Yes I must say that everything is well organised from wall to book shelf's...thanks

kamagra oral jelly said...

Keeping home in a organized way is one of the best ways that it looks good.