Monday, 1 April 2013

White is Not The Mere Absence of Colour*

Such a beautiful cover and issue of Vogue Living (Apr 13). Gracing the cover is the home of Wendy Paterson (pg 114) and she has a love for beauty and words and decorating. She surrounds herself with beautiful quotes, 'mot de jours', like this one: "He who seeks beauty will find it": Bill Cunningham. 

When asked what she does in these rooms, she answers "...nothing. They have the luxury of having no obvious purpose except to be beautiful."  What a glorious luxury. She has a love of light, space and the idea of "visual silence" and like me, once she has read a novel, she passes it on, yet she can't seem to part with images " are like food to me."

We are renovating at the moment and our rooms have no obvious purpose either. They aren't beautiful (yet) either. We'll get there.

*Title is a quote by Gilbert K Chesterson quoted on pg 124 of VL Apr 13

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there! What a cute blog with an adorable name :) I see why you might like this mag cover, the floor is similar to the room in the post above it, just white washed! Pinterest has also made me totally adore the color WHITE :)
Thanks for the inspirations!