Thursday, 6 June 2013

Before & In Between

Progress is slow. The craft room is slowly turning into bubs' room.  I've sanded and painted the floors. I used enamel from a boat shop, hard wearing stuff but oh the fumes. I've since discovered Aquanamel - must remember that for next time. The inside of the wardrobes are painted white too and I built a cheap new set of drawers and shelves from Bunnings. Mr hung new clothes rails for the tiny outfits we bought in Hawaii. We'll be going backwards before forwards as next step is taking down the plaster, insulating, plastering, painting and restoring the windows. Then we'll finally get to the fun furniture buying and dressing bit. Oh and the vintage glass and gold light I was going to keep, Mr smashed when he was bringing the cupboard doors in so a new light is also on the cards.


Laura - Elsee Blog said...

Good progress so far!!

Trust me! You've made the right choice with oil based enamel. Not great timing while you are pregnant but the result is so much nicer and hard wearing. Just keep airing the room out and don't spend too much time in there.

Shame about the light.

Unknown said...

It;s looking great already, I can;t wait to see it finished.

faye said...

it's looking really great :)

weeklyblondie said...

This is adorable! Love your blog as well. Also, I nominated you for a Liebster Award -- check out my blog for more details ( CONGRATS!