The Grace Tales

Do yourselves a favour and spend some time reading about the stylish Australian mums and bubs profiled on The Grace Tales. Beautiful mums who are successful creatives talk about what they love wearing post and pre pregnancy, share their bubs' nurseries and their family life and always share their list of loves, which is my favourite bit of all (I'll share mine in the next post). They're on IG too @thegracetales
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The Glow
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Captain and the Gypsy Kid
Style inspired by small folk by a fashion designer and stylist living near the beach in Sydney with her kids Sugar and Captain.
Images from here and here.
Not So Mumsy
'Sydney life, style and leisure for cool kids and modern mums'.
image from this post
p.s. I really wish I bought some great smart casual clothing for my time off after baby as my wardrobe is full of corporate clothes and gym wear with little in between. The reason I didn't was because I didn't want to put any pressure on myself to be a certain size and I didn't know what my size would be. Turns out I'm thinner than ever (thank you breastfeeding and eating like a horse) and I could have looked rather fab, but instead looked rather av...
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