Saturday 13 June 2009

Light & Dark

I cannot begin to tell you how in love with this plant I am. Its leaves are creamy pale pink with interruptions of green on top and glossy beetroot red and hot pink beneath. Of course I have lost the tag with the name of it...can anyone enlighten me?


Silke Powers said...

Oh, how gorgeous! I hope someone knows what it is - I want one!! :) Silke

UmberDove said...

Ouph, it feels like it's on the tip of my tongue but I can't quite grab it. But it certainly is a looker! Nice find!



Anonymous said...

Pretty sure this is called a Stromanthe - (spelling??) But this would be a tri-colour one....really beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry not to be of any help regarding the name.

I can not stop thinking about fabric designs based on those colours and patterns and how beautiful the dresses made with that would be

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

lovely photos

Shana said...

Looks a lot like a Hosta, but I could be wrong. Take the picture to a greenhouse. Let me know if I was right, will you?