When I go to Brie's house I walk the perimeter of the rooms and appreciate all her amazing little things. When she comes to my house she does exactly the same thing. She can spot any new little edition and she picks it up and puts it back, just as I do at hers, and we talk about what we've seen and where we saw it and what we love. The lastest purchases I loved were her winged candles, a branch vase and a butterfly shaped saucer.
I adore the tiny pair of ducks in the first image and her igloo tealight, not the mention the rubber doily and the Balinese unbrella in the reflection. I love her bamboo ladder of books and this tiny birdie perched on the cup's side. The last pic is taken in her kitchen: a string of garlic, a tiny French sign and a photo she took in her favourite street in the Aeolian Islands. Plenty more to come.
I am doing a campaign to raise money to mount a minibiblioteca Community and other activities for children and adolescents in my community here in Rio de carente janeiro.Cansei to wait until today that the government or asphalt placed, children may not be so abandonadas.Preciso the aid of all people of good heart. I ask only that I send a letter to A $ 20.00, or 5.00 euros in. This money will be used for purchase of books, shelves, tables, chairs, baskets Basic (food), etc.Quem can help me send me an email to: asilvareis10@gmail.com, I give the address for shipment. May God protect us all.
Such a lovely house! Great pics!
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