Oh how I love the weekend papers, especially Sunday's, I read them cover to cover and start all my conversations for the rest of the day with "I was reading in the paper that..."
The top image is the scrunched up wrapping the papers are delivered in. I love the squeaky, gripping ripping sound it makes as you peel the plastic away from the paper and how when it's all bunched up it looks pink...not unlike the perfect rose from mum's garden.
The bag that MY paper comes in isn't nearly so pretty. *sigh* ;)
everyday magic :)
Ours only comes in plastic a few times a year...and it's surely not such a pretty pink!
m ^..^
that rose is the most beautiful shade of pink!! :)
I tried the scrunch test on our newspaper wrap, but it just doesn't compare, sadly its a murky beige.
I love the Sunday paper too!! I don't read as much of it as I used to with three children...but someday I will read it cover to cover once again.
Dear Nicola - I've been following our blog for a while now and I saw this other gorgeous blog and thought of you
Enjoy :-)
Sorry that's "Your blog" - not "our blog"!!
cotton candy!
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