I need another notebook like a hole in the head, but this one is different (aren't they all?) and how could I resist? (I couldn't). This one says 'Mes Notes' then there's that beautiful gold wreath and well, its Laduree. I also bought this magnificent perfume, (or what I thought was perfume) and have since been liberally dousing myself with it. It reads 'Parfum de maison'. Hmm, does that make it air freshener? I don't care, its smells beautiful so I will douse on... a signature scent it will surely be as I doubt there's another moron wearing it as perfume. See more Laduree pics on my revamped Urban Nectar site.
I say, douse away! I know some very prominant ladies who dab a little vanilla extract inside their elbows. If something smells good and it will not melt your skin, go for it. The packaging is lovely!
"Mes Notes" makes my heart sing! Love this notebook, and of course, I adore anything from Laduree.
How wonderful! I'm a huge fan of Laduree's violet tea - and keep my desktop pens in one of the pale green and gold cylindrical boxes.
I know what you mean about notebooks! I have about a million and am still tempted whenever I see a pretty one.
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