As much as I love a beautifully balanced mix bunch of flowers, I cannot help but unwrap them like a baby and gently separate their stems into matching groups. Roses in one vase, lily of the valley on baby pear nectar bottles, magnolia leaves in a blood orange artisanale lemonade bottle and rhododendrons on the dining table in a row of test tubes.
im guilty of separating my bouquets as well! the collaboration is nice but each flower is better accentuated in its own place ;)
I couldn't agree more...
These are gorgeous! and I absolutely agree!
I love the use of pink against the white background! Its so beautiful! Do you teach classes?! :)
That's exactly what I do when I get a bouquet of flowers - lift and separate. Very pretty images btw.
These are so beautiful!
Hehehehe, I am the same as you. At first I put them all together, and then by the end of the day, they are all neatly seperated and adorning different parts of my home.
gorgeous photos!
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