Wednesday 2 February 2011

Mango Tango Summer

It's sooo hot here. We walk home dripping with sweat and swim in the pool til dark. Hello summer. Hello gelato. Hello Gelatissmo. Hellooo Mango Tango! The flavours are only here til end of Feb so get tasting and choose your mango tangoed with nutella ripple, coconut, berry, yoghurt, passionfruit sorbet or lime. Mr and I finished off our take-home pack tonight so it's back to the top of tomorrow's shopping list.


beatpie said...

seriously - i just can't get enough of this blog.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you!! Wish I was there!! ....we (in Canada)just got 30cm of snow! I want summer now!!

Marsinah {mar-see-na} said...

I wish it were summer here :( still in winter mode with some ice and cold air. This post makes me want summer to get here asap!