I am totally obsessed with this blog. Why? For her pretty collections shot from above (my current obsession), her use of graph paper and paper doilies (my other current love), her love for her boy (see the little book below she made for him containing pockets of love notes in little envelopes). I love the packaging pics (mmm, candy striped twine) of her pretty creations and I envy the order in which she keeps her blog, sticking to a schedule of Inspiration Monday, Link love Wednesday, and Lovely goods Friday. Wonder what she gets up to on Tuesday? Perhaps she assembles her comprehensive collections. I'd like to think I'll order my blog in the not too distant future, just as soon as I get off my a&se...um, on it rather and get my mind in order...hmm, don't hold your breath. shop here.

Love these images. Thanks for sharing!
things like this make me wish the internet didn't exist and everyone just send letters on gorgeous stationary!
wow, i am so incredibly honored to have such a post on your lovely blog! thank you so much for all your kind words! :) you have totally made my day! i will definitely be checking in regularly.
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