Japanese artist Shinich Maruyama captures the exquisite airborne collisions of black Indian ink and water photographed moments before they inevitably flood his studio with the resultant murk of grey water. How does he do it? With strobe light technology with speeds up to one 7500th of a second. Amazing.
Wow! Those are so cool!!
absolutely stunning ... i'm constantly amazed by the way creative people think and the end result of those thought processes.
Wow, it looks like it was graphically designed. I didn't think it was real at all! So cool.
oh wow...wow, and wow. These are amazing - and zen at the same time. The fluid motion captured in an nth of a second - AMAZING.
that is amazing!
absolutely amazing....xx
This is strange, dark and beautiful. Thank to share.
oh. my. goodness.
too amazing for words.
This is so beautiful!
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