What a Saturday. The sun is finally gloriously out. After weeks of rain and darkness day and night, we can take in glorious breaths of sunshine again and refuel on vitamin D. Tiring is all the drab weather day after day, the grey and black layers pulled about our bodies an necks to shield us from the elements, the battle of leaning into the wind to move towards our warm houses. Somewhere along the way I discovered I was uninspired. But today I picked up my camera, light is waht I needed and I have some beauty to share again. I hope you're having a beautiful weekend.
This wet weather really is so hard - we are getting a pretty similar summer to you over here in Ireland. The temperatures are so unusually low it's disheartening and the grey skies can be so depressing, I'm not surprised you've been feeling uninspired. Fingers crossed for more sunshine soon, we still have a little while to go before autumn sets in and I realy hope we get some sunshine before then!
we can so relate here in seattle... i woke up to rain this morning... but i must admit, the air and the sound is so cozy... i think because it is saturday...
we too crave for the sunshine... and hoping this summer will finally arrive...
but everyday is a gift and i am happy to be so blessed.
enjoy... xoxo
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