Sunday 7 June 2009

An Afternoon of Rearranging

After rearranging my tiny house entirely, including setting up a little home office, I realised that it was doomed given the location of the TV point, so I moved everything back again!! It wasn't all futile, at least I got to capture these amazing little Paris post-it notes and the travel journal I so love, oh yeah, and my white pen...more on that later.
p.s. since we're on the topic of rearranging, did anyone notice I totally redid my post of a few days ago? Does anyone else ever get a niggling feeling with certain posts that you feel just aren't quite right? I have to go and fix it them, I just can't help myself.


umama said...

I am completely in love with your blog! SO gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Those note sets are stunning, you have such amazing taste xoxo

Polly Rowan said...

Beautiful note sets and pictures :)
How annoying about the rearranging!
I love rearranging though. I have to do it at least every 1 or 2 years. It makes my mind feel refreshened!

Unknown said...

i love love love this post. and yes, i totally go back and change my posts on my blog too! hee hee

xo have a lovely weekend!

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

I am obssessed with the images in your blog. You have such an eye for beautiful things. Beautiful! (And I am so relieved to hear that I'm not alone when it comes to changing posts. Haha!)

~L~ said...

I know exactly what you mean about going back and fixing posts! I've done it myself.

Unknown said...

beautiful posts this week - i could leave a comment on them all, but worried you might think i was stalking you.......xx

hope you had a lovely weekend, & have a lovely week.....

sharon xx

Tania McCartney said...

I love these pics, you have such a beautiful eye, and of course - Paris gets me every time! Love rearranging furniture, too - sounds like you need an electrician in so you can shift things at will!

Very Shannon said...

I go back and tweak posts as well, I can't help myself either.
Yours always look so lovely and I look forward to reading each day. Have a great night.

Lucy C said...

I love the travel journal! What a shame you had to rearrange for a second time. I've done this before and it can be so fustrating. On the upside you found some lovely things to share with us.

Alya said...

yup i do it all the time!

busma said...


Just wonder where you get those Paris Post-it?


decomarce said...

Beautiful post! :)